Our Courses

Cabin Crew

Cabin Crew Training – Air

Become an Air Hostess or Air Steward

Fulfill your dream of seeing your beautiful country or even the world and take up a career as an Air Hostess or Air Steward. This 8 week course will ensure that you stand apart in this industry and be the best in your field.


Cabin Crew Training – Sea

Become a Cabin Crew member for a Cruise Ship

Sail the seas and see the world.  This course will equip you to pursue a cabin crew career and ensure you learn everything you need to be safe and effective on a cruise ship.

Cabin Crew – Air & Sea

Cabin Crew for Sea and Air – Why choose?

Want to keep your options open and have the choice of either flying or being aboard a cruise ship?  This is the ideal program for you!


Travel & Toursim

Foundation In Travel & Tourism

Key Foundational Learnings & Practical Skills With Galileo

This jam-packed Travel and Tourism foundational program offers the key foundational learnings and practical skills, from the industry, the working environment, travel products, customer service principles and much more!


Travel Management

Cabin Crew Ground Operations & Ticketing

Whether you want to become an air hostess for an airline, a cabin crew member on a ship or you are keen to be on the ground where the ticketing and travel operations occur, this is the program for you!


Additional Courses

Workplace Preparation Course – Put your Best Self Forward

Have you completed your studies and want to make sure that you stand out from other candidates applying for your dream job?  Want to make sure that you present the best first impression?  Round off your studies with this exceptional Finishing course which will give you that extra edge above the rest.


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